Saturday, January 16, 2010



I'm in first grade now and am doing well in all of my subjects. I go to gymnastics on Saturdays and I play basketball after school on Mondays. Allison and I are also in Daisies (Girl Scouts for little girls). At the last meeting we made a boat out of boxes and other things to recycle them.

My favorite things to eat are grilled cheese sandwiches (the kind you get a restaurants, not the kind you make at home) and pizza with no sauce.

My favorite things to play with are my barbies, my groovy girls, and my polly pocket stuff.

Monday, October 06, 2008



I'm in Kindergarten now! I go to school every day except on weekends.

I have a "My Little Pony" backpack and lunch bag.

Today I got my first homework.

My favorite things to do are play with my Barbie and Groovy Girl dolls and play cards (Crazy 8's and Go Fish).

Allison likes to play dress up, but I don't like to play dress up any more.

Friday, March 28, 2008


Dance Class

Here's a little video daddy took of Allison and me at Dance class.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Old Airplanes

Do you know where airplanes go when they get old? They go hang up at the College Park Airport!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


True Love

McDonald's and Quiznos are the only restaurants that I truly love.


Wrapping Presents

Elyssa: Wrapping presents is hard work.

Daddy: I know. It is hard. You don't have any elves to help you like Santa Claus does, do you?

Elyssa: No, but I have Allison and Corey.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Dinner Plans

Mommy: "We're going to go to a restaurant to get dinner and bring it home to eat"

Elyssa: "We can go to McDonald's or McDonald's with a Play Place...those are our choices."



The other day I went to Grandma Molly's house for dinner. After dinner we did an art project. I painted a picture called "The Joy of the Ocean". It had joyful fishies and waves and little baby sharks that have colorful teeth. It makes your hair grow long.

I also drew a dark and spooky forest with a wolf howling to the moon.

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Pony Ride

Look at me! I'm riding a pony! Mommy and Daddy took us to the farm. We saw Little Rad Riding Hood's house, played on the wooden pirate ship and train, and went for a hay ride too!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007



Daddy: "...and Cinderella and the Prince fell in love the moment they saw each other...".

Elyssa: What does fell in love mean?

Daddy: It's when you really really like each other.

Elyssa: Ally and I really like each other!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Phone Book

Elyssa: What is that Dad?

Dad: It's a phone book. If you forget a phone number, you can look it up and it tells you what numbers to push so you can call them.

Elyssa: My number is 45. When the phone rings I call Baby Giraffe. Her number is 43.


The Wedding

Elyssa: When it gets dark out, we can start the wedding.

Daddy: Who is getting married?

Elyssa: I'm going to marry Allison.

Allison: I have my wedding dress on.

Elyssa: I am going to wear my purple wedding dress.

Monday, July 09, 2007



I went to the dentist for the first time the other day. I didn't whine or cry or anything. I sat in the chair and the dentist looked at my teeth and brushed them. They didn't even have to use a scraper because they said my teeth were already clean enough. At the end they gave me a princess toothbrush. Daddy said I have to go back to the dentist in a few months. I said "we can't go to the dentist every day!"

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Happy Thoughts

Elyssa: "What's your happy thought Daddy?"

Daddy: "My happy thought is playing with my kids at the park - that makes me happy."

Elyssa: "What's your happy thought Mommy?"

Mommy: "My happy thought is singing and dancing with Elyssa and Allison and Corey."

Daddy: "What's your happy thought Elyssa?"

Elyssa: "My happy thought is going to the airport."

Daddy: "What's your happy thought Allison?"

Allison: "My happy thought is eating candy."

Daddy: "What do you think Corey's happy thought is?"

Elyssa: "Corey, do you have a happy thought? What's your happy thought, huh Corey? Is it knocking down the towers that I build, Corey?"

Monday, March 19, 2007


Princess Party

Today I went to my friend Emma's brithday party! We wore dress-up clothes and danced and had cupcakes and ice cream. There was a piƱata and we played games too. I won a new magic wand! I had to ask where all of the boys from school were. Why weren't they at the party too?

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Baby Giraffe's Birthday

We're going to have a birthday party for baby giraffe. We're going to have cake, ice cream, candles, and a balloon. Baby butterfly is coming too. Corey can't come. Only girls are allowed to come. Daddies can't come either. It's only for girls and little baby animals.

Saturday, January 13, 2007



It's not a pilot, it's just a little girl flying the plane.

Planes fly away from little babies (Corey).

Sunday, January 07, 2007



Allison: The green flashlight is broken Daddy!

Daddy: The old green flashlight or the new green flashlight?

Allison: The old green flashlight.

Daddy: You're right, the flashlight is broken and Daddy can't fix it. I tried to fix it but I couldn't.

Elyssa: Maybe Uncle Bill could fix it. Uncle Bill has the new kind of batteries. Uncle Bill has the right batteries to fit the flashlight.

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Time To Go To Sleep

Elyssa: Come in Ally. It is time to go to sleep. This is where we have quiet time. This is where we sleep.

Allison: Can I bring my ice cream cone in?

Elyssa: You can have your late night snack.

Daddy: Who has late night snacks?

Allison: Corey!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Candy Cane

I got a Candy Cane at school today! Allison didn't get one :( Mommy said I had to either share it with Allison or I had to wait and eat it when Daddy brought another one for Allison. At first I was going to wait, but then I really wanted to taste the candy cane so I shared it with Allison. Then I called Daddy on the telephone to tell him that I shared my Candy Cane with Allison. He is so proud of me for sharing :)

Sunday, November 19, 2006


"I Took Off Like A Shot"

Allison and I love playing at the McDonald's Playplace! We like to climb up in the tree and slide down the fast purple spiral slide. After we go down the slide we say "I took off like a shot". That's what the little bunny did in the Curious George story.

Sunday, November 05, 2006



I asked Mommy to put my hair in a pony tail for the first time - she was shocked!! Now I look so pretty in my dresses, tights, and new hairdo!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


No More T-Shirts

I used to always wear t-shirts like Daddy. My favorite shirts were my airplane and NYPD shirts. Now I like to wear dresses!

Monday, October 16, 2006


Going To The Zoo...Or Back Home

Last Saturday Mommy and Daddy took us to the zoo...or at least they tried to. At first I didn't want to go because I didn't want to wear long pants and a long sleeve shirt. But after a while Mommy and Daddy talked me into it.

So we all got in the minivan and started driving to the zoo. We were almost there, but all of a sudden I threw up all over the place. Lambie and Little Dog and Kitty all got throw-up on them so Daddy had to put them in the washing machine when we got home. I am feeling better now so hopefully Mommy and Daddy will take us to the zoo this weekend :)

Monday, September 18, 2006



I got my first real haircut the other day. The nice lady who cut my hair gave Allison and me lollipops too....yummy...

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Reading Books

I am getting really good at reading books. Sometimes I read books to my litle sister Allie. My favorite book is called "New York Hedge Trimmers". It is about New York and hedge trimmers.

Saturday, July 01, 2006


New Baby Brother

I have a new baby brother! His name is Corey. Here is a link to his blog: Corey's Blog. At first I was a little vervous about having a new brother, but now I like him. Tonight I helped daddy give him a bath.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Custom Wood Chairs

My Dad's Uncle Nib made us these really great chairs. Allison and I have a lot of fun sitting on them, standing on them, climbing on them, and putting our dolls and stuffed animals on them.

Saturday, October 08, 2005


County Fair

Last weekend Mommy and Daddy took us to the fair! Okay so we cheated and went to the fair in the next county over :)

We saw lots of animals: pigs, goats, alpacas, cows, rabbits, chickens, and roosters. We also ate some soft warm pretzels - yummy! Here are some pictures of me on some of the rides. Allison couldn't ride any rides yet beecause she's too little.

Saturday, August 20, 2005



I am getting really good at playing computer games. I can move the mouse and click on different things on the screen to make lots of neat things happen. Daddy only has to help me sometimes when I get frustrated.

My favorite games are "Duckie" and "Frankie". I sing songs with Frankie and do lots of stuff with with Duckie I am learning colors, shapes, numbers, and letters.


Oh Hi Guys

It's my new favorite way of saying hello :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2005



I'm getting pretty good at singing songs. My favorite is the ABC song. I like to sing it all by myself. I can sing most of it and I usually only skip a few letters. I also like to sing 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and 'Down By The Station'.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Backyard Picnic

Today Daddy and I had a picnic in the back yard underneath the swingset! The swingset has a picnic table and benches underneath the fort. We had some apple and some Ritz crackers with peanut butter. After we ate lunch, we went on the swings for a little while.

Friday, July 08, 2005



The other day, my daddy took me to the airport to see Uncle Bill's airplane. I saw lots of airplanes there. I saw some taking off and some landing. I had so much fun that every day I ask Daddy if we can go back to the airport to see more planes.

Thursday, June 09, 2005



Mommy and Daddy took me to the circus today! I got to see camels, elephants, horses, and llamas. I liked seeing the animals but I wasn't too impressed with the acrobats and other performers. It was also really hot and I was really tired so we left before the show was over.

Friday, May 06, 2005



Mommy has been taking me to a music class once a week. For the first few weeks I wasn't really into it except I did like playing the drum. Now I'm getting the hang of it. When Mommy and Daddy took Allison and me out for dinner tonight, we went to a restaurant than played some really cool 80s music (whatever that is). Anyway, I had fun dancing to the music for about 20 minutes after dinner. Then when we got home, I danced some more along with the music and videos in one of my computer games.



Grandma Molly brought over some paint the other day and I had tons of fun painting. It was so much fun that I asked Mommy and Daddy if I could paint some more after dinner that same night - and I have been painting almost every day since then. Here are some of my paintings.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005



I finally learned how to blow bubbles all by myself! It only took me about a hundred spilled bottles of bubbles :)

Saturday, April 23, 2005


My Car Seat

I can climb from the ground up into my car seat all by myself! Mommy and Daddy better watch out - before they know it - I'll be in the driver's seat :)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


Home Depot

Mommy and Daddy took Allison and me to Home Depot yesterday. I used to like to go there and look at all of the fans and lights. But yesterday I found something more fun, the bathroom section. I flushed and looked inside every toilet. Then Daddy helped me up so I could pretend to wash my hand in all of the sinks on display.

Sunday, March 20, 2005



Today I counted all the way from 1 to 6 all by myself. And then, with a little help from Daddy, I got all the way to 9!!!

I had a really fun weekend. Some painters came and painted my room pink. They painted Mommy and Daddy's room green and they painted another bedroom yellow. Everything was really dirty while they were here, but everything looks really nice now.

Mommy took Allison and me to the park on Saturday. When we went home, I played outside with Daddy on the back porch.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Fun Stuff

I have been having a lot of fun lately playing in my cardboard house with Mommy and Daddy.

I also got a new basketball hoop and a basketball. It is so much fun that it prompted me so say my first 3 word phrase "I dunk it".

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Getting Sick...Again

Today I had a pretty rough day. I'm not feeling too well. I think I might have an ear infection. I did have some fun though - Dad let me help give Allison a bath! He let me use a bottle to rinse off her back, arms, toes, and head.

Friday, March 11, 2005


New Foods

I have been trying lots of new foods lately. Broccoli and beans are become regular items on my menu.

I also tried taco beef the other night. It was so good I had 4 helpings. I was also very disappointed when I asked for it the next night and Daddy said we didn't have any more. Then Daddy offered me some pizza and I was happy again :)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


My 2nd Birthday Party

Thanks to everyone who came to my birthday party! I am 2 years old now!

We went to Chuck E. Cheese's and had pizza and french fries and a choclate birthday cake with Winnie The Pooh on it. Since I don't really know how to blow yet, Jamie, Ben, and Alec had to help me blow out the candles.

I liked the rides and I liked watching my cousins playing games. Aside from eating cake, my favorite thing was shaking my cup of tokens.

Also, thank you for the presents. I am really looking forward to playing with all of them.

Monday, February 28, 2005


Sleigh Ride

Today I went out and played in the snow for the first time. Mommy pulled me on the sled that Grandma Carol and Grandpa Bill got for me last year. Unfortunately, I could only stay out and play for a few minutes because it ws really cold :(

Click here for a few pictures of me on the sled and a few pictures of Allison :)


My Favorite Foods

Most of the time I like to eat cereal bars for breakfast. For lunch and dinner I like to eat some kind of bread with ricotta cheese, butter, and jelly...yummy.
Yesterday I ate some kielbasa for the first time. I also learned from Daddy that barbeque sauce makes lots of foods taste good.

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