Saturday, April 21, 2007


Happy Thoughts

Elyssa: "What's your happy thought Daddy?"

Daddy: "My happy thought is playing with my kids at the park - that makes me happy."

Elyssa: "What's your happy thought Mommy?"

Mommy: "My happy thought is singing and dancing with Elyssa and Allison and Corey."

Daddy: "What's your happy thought Elyssa?"

Elyssa: "My happy thought is going to the airport."

Daddy: "What's your happy thought Allison?"

Allison: "My happy thought is eating candy."

Daddy: "What do you think Corey's happy thought is?"

Elyssa: "Corey, do you have a happy thought? What's your happy thought, huh Corey? Is it knocking down the towers that I build, Corey?"

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